Best selling novel


Writter by Amarjit Singh


Amarjit Singh’s first best-selling novel, Mitti Dee Khushboo (Smell of the Earth), followed two young lovers as they struggled to come and stay together in Punjab, India. His depiction of the authentic culture of this rural northern state of India had readers falling in love with the characters and the beautiful details of the countryside.

Now, the author has returned with Ragni, an epic love story filled with suspense, anticipation, and non-stop twists and turns as we embark on the journey to complete a love story that has taken many centuries and lives to fulfill. The history, landscape, and spiritualism of India and other cultures and countries are all skillfully woven through this tale of supernatural wisdom, reincarnation, and ultimately, the absolute power of love.

I try to be an inspirational writer and convey what I think are the moments in life that matter the most. My goal is to put love into words that will help people connect on a deeper level.

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Introduction Volume One & Two

What is it that has so intensely drawn Ragni
to Kanwar? Read on to find out how far she
will go to protect him.

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